Wednesday 14 March 2012

Literarily Speaking ? Blog Archive ? Prophesy of the Flame Lynn ...

Our guest today is Lynn Hardy, author of The Prophecy of Flame.? All proceeds from book sales (and movie sales if all goes well!) will go to helping homeless families.? Please click the link in her bio below and order your copy to help families stay off the streets.? My applause goes to Lynn for making this all happen!

Lynn Hardy

Led by a series of dreams and encouraged by friends, Lynn Hardy began the journey to become an author. She stored her work in a computer file labeled ?second job.? Writing began as a passion she could not contain and has become much more than she ever expected.

In the Fall of 2010 Prophecy of the Flame ? Book One reached #1 on Amazon kindle, shortly after Book Two in the series released. In the spring of 2011, Lynn released the Full Cast unabridged audio book of Book One. Now both fans and newcomers can hear the book come to life as every character jumps of the page with their own unique voice.

In reality, Lynn is overcome with compassion for families who are suffering through the recession and so she has created Agape Assistance ? Shelter for Families One Book at a Time. ( Prophecy of the Flame has now attracted the attention of Hollywood. With 100% of the proceeds from Book One in the series going to Agape Assistance, there is now a full length movie now in the works.

Lynn has attended many science fiction conventions and has had the privilege of serving on panels about writing. Renaissance fairs are another favorite event for the author. Seeing others dressed in costume (as she always is during book signings) makes her feel right at home. Meeting other writers at these conventions and events who are struggling to break into the publishing field has led Lynn to merge Resilient Publishing with Borderline ? a unique type of publisher that offers the individual attention to their authors that the big publishing houses give, with the control and increased payouts of self-publishing. As marketing director of Borderline, Lynn is blazing a new path for authors to follow.

The road has been longer and more complicated than she would have ever guessed?not always smooth, but filled with wonderful surprises. Like most stories, Lynn is sure that her journey has only just begun.

Visit her website at

Prophecy of the Flame

In a blinding flash of light, five nondescript strangers are yanked from this world and thrust into a land of sorcery as they are granted the looks and abilities of the people they were playing. This band of wannabe heroes soon discovers that having the powers they have always dreamed of, does not make life a dream come true. The Crusaders of the Light struggle to form a cohesive band as they blend twentieth century technology with the supernatural powers of this new world, fighting to liberate the kingdom of Cuthburan from the evil horde threatening humanity.

Battle is also waged within Reba, an ordinary housewife who has become the most powerful mage on the planet, as she struggles to remain true to her wedding vows. Drawn against her will to the arms of Prince Alexandros, Reba must choose between a marriage to a handsome prince in a magical world or returning to the husband she left behind.

Q: Thank you so much for this interview, Lynn!? Can you tell us where you are from?

I am Lynn Hardy from Boise, Idaho

Q: How did you come up with the title?

The original title for the book one was, ?Saint Alfred?s Pyre.? But every time I told someone about the book, I had to explain what a pyre was. Before I went to print, I changed the title to Prophecy of the Flame ? Love?s Dawning. The name is very significant to the story.

Q: They say you can judge a book by its cover.? Can you tell us a little about your cover and who designed it?

I found Yivgeni Matoussov at an online art forum. After interviewing a half-a-dozen illustrators, Yivi sent me some sketches of the Crusaders of the Light. He captured the characters brilliantly. Yivgeni illustrated both the cover and most of the interior pictures, as well.

The original cover design was created in a painting, depicting the final battle. Back then, Book One and Two were still one gigantic manuscript. When I went to self-publish, the cost of printing a 750 page book was out of my price range.

About that time, I had listened to the first two Eragon books on CD as we drove across country. Christopher Paolini ended his first book right after a major battle, without any resolution to the bigger picture.

I decided, if a bestseller could do that, then so could I. Just so happens, there?s a climactic battle scene in the middle of my story. I added a short chapter to end it cleanly. I now had two books instead of one. But I needed a new cover ? fast.

The artist who created the original, unpublished, cover also did some pencil sketches for the interior. My favorite one was a mirror scene. I took that picture and created a marbled background to go behind it.

I thought the gray cover would stand out from all the dark fantasy books on the shelf. Unfortunately, gray just faded into the background. I met an artist from Tor, the largest fantasy publisher in the nation, at a convention where I was doing panels on self publishing. Mark Ferrari took one look at the book and knew I needed help.

Mark suggested the current design: A simple black background with a stylized flame and? unique font. A market survey of 100 books revealed that 90% of male readers wouldn?t pick up a book with ?Love? on the cover: it gave off the impression of a romance novel. So I dropped the subtitle ? though it still graces the interior ? and now call it, Prophecy of the Flame ? Book One.

Q: Can you tell us something about your book that would make me run out and buy it?

Well, there are some hard cold facts to reassure you of its quality, like:

It was #1 on Amazon Kindle and has been picked up for a movie.

But I think what really sells this book is the storyline. It is a fish out of water tale, a romantic comedy set in a world of fantasy:

In a blinding flash of light, five strangers are yanked from this world and thrust into a land of sorcery as they are granted the looks and abilities of the characters they were playing. This band of wannabe heroes soon discovers that having the powers they have always dreamed of, does not make life a dream come true. The Crusaders of the Light struggle to form a cohesive band as they blend twentieth century technology with the supernatural powers of this new world, fighting to liberate the kingdom of Cuthburan from the evil horde threatening humanity.

Battle is also waged within Reba, an ordinary housewife who has become the most powerful mage on the planet, as she struggles to remain true to her wedding vows. Drawn against her will to the arms of Prince Alexandros, Reba must choose between a marriage to a handsome prince in a magical world or returning to the husband she left behind.

Q: What was your most favorite chapter to write and why?

I like the comedy that comes into play in chapter eight. I?ve had someone tell me that they couldn?t stop laughing, and they even bought a book for their father because of this chapter.

Q: Why did you feel you had to write this book?

Prophecy of the Flame is based on a set of dreams. These dreams were so captivating that I would wake up crying or laughing. I couldn?t let go of them. I knew this story had to be written.

Q:? Now, some fun questions ? What deep dark secret would you like to share with us?

If, perchance, I did have a deep dark secret? it wouldn?t be much of a secret if I shared it, now would it?

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I have always wanted to go to Wallachia in Romania to visit Dracula?s castle.

Q: Are you a morning person or a night person?

I agree with Garfield ? I hate mornings! When 7 pm rolls around, I start to wake up.

Q: As a child, were you a dreamer?

My nickname was ?Breezy?. One time we were playing cards and I guess it had been my turn for a little while. My sister was giving me a hard time about a tornado was whirling around inside my head all the time. I said, ?I?m not windy, just a little Breezy at times.? The name kind of stuck ? at least with my sisters.

Q: Last but not least, the magic genie has granted you one wish.? What would that be?

I would like Chris Hemsworth (Thor) to star in Prophecy of the Flame, the movie, as the handsome prince Szames.

Q: Thank you so much for this interview! Do you have any final words?

I really don?t want to mislead anyone about the movie for Prophecy of the Flame. It?s not like Spielberg called. This will be an independent film, but a film like none other.? The purpose, of what we are calling the Prophecy Project, isn?t a political statement or a debut of some new special effect: The purpose of the Prophecy Project is to entertain millions across the nation with a movie whose net proceeds will help families that are struggling and have lost everything in this recession

As the author, I have donated 100% of my proceeds from Prophecy of the Flame ? Book One to Agape (uh-GOP-pay) Assistance ? a 501 (c)(3) that I founded to help families in need. The proceeds from the movie will also go to this charity as well.

If everyone who hears about the Prophecy Project and will donate the minimum amount ($1) then Agape will be able to receive 100% of ALL proceeds from this nationwide film. Donations at the Kick-starter event will earn supporters a unique gift designed for the Prophecy Project.

Prophecy of the Flame ? Book One 50% off at Amazon! (kindle version)

Prophecy of the Flame movie Facebook Page

Lynn Hardy?s Official Homepage

Agape Assistance Association homepage

Kickstarter Event

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Tags: Author Interviews, help the homeless, homeless families, homeless family, Lynn Hardy, Prophesy of the Flame


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